Adapting to the New Normal

The world is facing an unprecedented crisis. Most aspects of day-to-day life have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. More people are working from home and practicing physical distancing than ever before.

The global job market has been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. Industries like retail, energy, and hospitality are especially vulnerable while people work from home and continue practicing physical distancing. We’re facing a new normal, the scope and impact of which we’ll only fully understand in the months to come.

Companies will be hesitant to fill positions and hire new people at this time. Indeed, many organizations have announced layoffs over the last two months. While we adjust to what the world looks like post-COVID, it’s important to remember that certain strategies can help companies weather this storm and face this new normal with confidence.

Building a pipeline for the new normal
One key strategy for companies is building and nurturing a pipeline of qualified candidates during these uncertain times. There are different ways that you can do this effectively, but here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for the new normal.

Proactively identify what your organization’s future looks like
In the past, recruitment tended to be reactive. Companies hired to fill a sudden need or vacancy. Now, more than ever, you can be proactive in identifying gaps in their organizations that qualified candidates can fill once the time is right. Effective recruitment has always been essential to securing companies’ futures.

You can spend this period identifying key roles and building an effective pipeline now, while hiring is at a standstill. This way, your company will continue building the recruitment funnel and have access to a strong pipeline of qualified candidates for these important roles once the storm clears. No matter the environment, highly skilled and experienced candidates will always be challenging to find. Waiting to restart the recruiting process will only delay the timing of your future hires.

Use the right data to find the best candidates
Once you’ve identified the key roles your organization will need to fill, the next step is building a pipeline using candidate data. This data will minimize guesswork regarding candidates’ qualifications, interest, and availability, without manually screening and reaching out to each person in your pipeline. It is essential to only use high quality candidate data when building your pipeline.

Pre-qualify candidates with data so that you don’t waste time chasing down people who don’t have all of your mandatory requirements or who don’t have experience with your department’s technology stack. Using quality data means less time spent sourcing and screening, higher quality candidates, and a more efficient recruitment pipeline overall.

Communicate your organization’s culture online in a clear and engaging manner
Companies can engage candidates effectively through digital media. Doing this is crucial now, because job applicants affected by the crisis need to feel secure about building a new career with your company.

Videos on company culture, social media content generated by employees, and blog posts by leaders in the company can all help tell your story and attract top talent.

Nurture your pipeline and build a relationship with candidates
Hiring people can be a lengthy and complex process, even without having to worry about a global pandemic, so having a strong pipeline of candidates will give your organization a head start on filling positions when the time is right.

It’s important to remember that building a strong pipeline doesn’t mean your organization plans to hire right away. Companies can pre-qualify and screen candidates during this period without necessarily pitching them a specific open position.

Most candidates likely won’t be looking to switch jobs now; there’s enough uncertainty in the world as it is. Companies can put themselves in a position to be top of mind if candidates start looking for new opportunities, or if they face layoffs or extended furloughs.

Luckily, it’s easier than ever to stay in touch with candidates with almost everyone working from home. Take advantage of video calls and online platforms to build relationships and nurture potential future hires. Nurturing your pipeline now will be crucial to helping your organization fill key roles when the time comes.

The future is now 
All the recruitment experience and expertise in the world could not prepare companies for the scale of this global challenge. COVID-19 has changed the way people live and interact with others, and it will fundamentally alter how companies do business.

While nobody could prepare for this pandemic, recruitment know-how will shape how businesses bounce back. Building a solid pipeline is one of the best ways for companies to adapt to the normal. The organizations that excel once this is over will be those that:

  • Identify what their future looks like
  • Use the right data and technology to identify the best candidates for key roles
  • Communicate their culture and objectives online in a clear and engaging manner
  • Build relationships with candidates during the quarantine period

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