How to Hire Great Talent Remotely

Amidst the growing global pandemic, companies worldwide have turned to various digital operating models to stay connected and productive. Recruitment teams have had to digitally adjust and adapt their processes accordingly. For a seamless candidate experience, the transition involves more than just switching to virtual interviews. Learn to modify your hiring strategies to better cater to the remote world.

Plan your new approach
Review your hiring process and identify which areas you can replace with digital recruiting methods. Ensure that your hiring process is not just remote-friendly but as effective as an in-person experience. Take advantage of this overhaul to eliminate traditional and inefficient systems. Brainstorm ways to shorten time-to-hire and provide better candidate experiences. The hiring process will greatly impact a candidate’s impression of company. Most top-tier candidates turn down job offers when they undergo a lengthy procedure. It is good practice to keep your process short and simple.

Once ready to implement new procedures, brief all personnel involved on the proper protocols and logistics. A test-run will help colleagues better understand the new process and limit confusion. With the ongoing pandemic and drastic changes that come with it, be upfront with your candidate on timelines and set expectations.

Familiarize yourself with the technology
The right tools can boost recruiting efforts and streamline the process of hiring remotely. While the situation with COVID-19 has strengthened the use of video conferencing platforms, there are more virtual recruiting tactics that you can adapt. Conduct research on the latest recruitment trends and technology that to find what best suit your needs. Here are some examples of how companies have adapted to remote hiring.

  1. If hiring managers and recruiters are used to jotting down notes on resumes, consider using a digital rating system for interviewers to fill out once they finish conducting a virtual interview. The rating system will help determine the most promising applicants.
  2. More companies have taken to conducting proficiency tests. There are robust applicant tracking and candidate relationship management systems that allow hiring managers to conduct tests online. These systems can get pricey. An alternative would be to use collaborative document editing applications such as Google Docs and Microsoft Office Online. This allows hiring managers to track the candidate’s test progress real-time. For coding and programming, try using Collabedit.
  3. Multiple video conferencing applications allow participants to screenshare – such as Google HangoutsZoom and Skype. If part of your hiring process includes problem solving, use this feature and ask candidates to present their output in a concise manner. It would be best to prepare your candidate for the presentation by providing a guide on how to use the screenshare feature.
  4. Instead of having a candidate undergo multiple separate interviews, try hosting a virtual panel interview. This reduces repetitive questions, limits bias and will greatly shorten the hiring process.
  5. If you’re able, record the interview for reference. The candidate might not be the right fit for the available position but  having that recording might be beneficial in the future. Make certain that you have the candidate’s permission to record the interview.

​Before kickstarting your new hiring process, make sure that everyone involved in the hiring process is familiar with using the technology. Conduct training with the recruitment team and hiring managers if needed. Working remotely requires employees to be self-sufficient and not reliant on IT personnel.

Hosting virtual interviews
Virtual interviews cannot be avoided so it is important to prep beforehand for a better experience.  As soon as the date and time of an interview is confirmed, send a virtual interview invite via email with instructions on how to use the platform. Ensure that the candidate and hiring manager know what video conferencing platform will be used and how to access it.

Take 5 minutes before a virtual interview to test your mic, webcam and speakers. At the start of an interview, ask if the candidate can hear and see you properly. This goes both ways. Make sure you can hear and see your candidate as well before officially starting the interview.

Limit possible interruptions by finding a space that is comfortable and quiet. Inform family members or housemates of your video call and request to keep the noise to a minimum. Working remotely can be difficult for some and everyone’s environment is different. Interviewers should be forgiving and compassionate should any distractions or technical issues occur during the virtual interview.
Get feedback
When the interview ends, ask the candidate for their feedback. Constructive feedback will help you understand the candidate’s experience and improve your new hiring process. Feedback from your colleagues is valuable as well. Ask about their experience with new process and if they ran into any issues with their tech.

Keep Moving Forward
In this current environment, many companies have opted to freeze hiring or limit their number of open positions. To give your team a competitive advantage, keep your hiring process moving. Source, interview and test candidates remotely. Then, reconnect with qualified candidates once you are able to.

Whether recruiting during a global pandemic or even during easier times, it is important to fill your pipeline with qualified, interested and available candidates. While companies were forced to quickly adapt to new digital landscapes, recruitment professionals can benefit greatly from making remote hiring strategies a permanent addition to their process. Candidates can be hired remotely to save time and costs occurred when travelling. It will also broaden your candidate pool to include global talent.

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